Extraordinary Circumstances for Resorting to Your Right to Writ (2021)

Extraordinary Circumstances
for Resorting to Your Right to Writ (2021)

Credits: 1.0 G
Originally presented on September 10, 2021 as part of the Appellate Practice Institute.

Marc Lowry discusses extraordinary circumstances which call for immediate action from a higher authority, as well as the impact and authority of Supreme Court writs.

Marc Lowry Since joining the Rothstein Law Firm, Marc has worked on all kinds of criminal cases in both state and federal court. He has represented clients who have been charged with violating minor local ordinances, such as having dogs that barked too loudly, as well as major federal felonies like international terrorism through attempting to destroy the Alaskan oil pipeline with high explosives. Given his undergraduate and graduate degrees in science and engineering, Marc possesses a comfort level with forensic and scientific topics that quite often emerge in criminal cases, a degree of familiarity that other attorneys do not ordinarily possess. Marc thoroughly enjoys preparing a robust defense on behalf of each and every one of his clients.